Content Management & Workflow Solutions

DocBuild Plus™

DocBuild Plus™

DocBuild Plus™ makes the dream of going paperless as easy as a click of your mouse.

Stop printing documents to paper!   Start saving valuable time and money. 
With DocBuild Plus™, users just click the "print" button on virtually any application, window, or webpage to automatically create PDF documents which then is displayed in the DocBuild Plus™ Viewer… providing you with an impressive set of tools so that you can be immediately productive with your documents.  And that's just the beginning.

Easy Toolbar Buttons save time!

You can scan paper documents into DocBuild Plus™, combine image files (including digital photographs and faxes) with documents from other applications, perform markups or add annotations, sign documents electronically, and even integrate the final documents with your e-mail, fax, or e-Signature accounts.

  • DocBuild Plus™ also provides  an amazing ability to interface or integrate with existing content or document management solutions… including EasyFile®… with just a click of a button,  or save to local or network file folders, or other applications and secure storage repositories.
  • Save-to-Cloud functionality allows you to quickly save your documents to virtually any Cloud  storage account like Dropbox®,  Google Docs®, Box®, SkyDrive® and countless  others…. thereby providing secure access from almost anywhere, and any device, including mobile platforms like tablets and smartphones.

To learn more about DocBuild Plus™…or download a Free Trial… click the button below.

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  • (603) 429-0777
